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公益社団法人発明協会 令和5年度関東地方発明表彰 発明奨励賞
応用物理学会 第54回(2023年春季)応用物理学会講演奨励賞
第29回 半導体・オブ・ザ・イヤー2023 半導体デバイス部門 グランプリ
「高度なスケーリング技術とウェーハボンディング技術を採用した218層 3次元フラッシュメモリー」 Western Digital Corporationと共同受賞
IEEE EDTM2023 Best Contributed Paper Award
「High-Endurance (>1011cycles) and Thermally-Stable Sub-100nm TiO2 Channel FeFET for Low-Power Memory Centric 3D-LSI Applications」
公益社団法人発明協会 令和4年度中部地方発明表彰 三重県知事賞
2021 VLSI Test of Time Award
「Bit Cost Scalable Technology with Punch and Plug Process for Ultra High DensityFlash Memory,」
「限定方向に陰解法を用いた高並列・分散処理型三次元電磁界解析と設計最適化手法」 静岡大学 浅井教授との共著
AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2021 Best Paper Award
「Application of Contrastive Representation Learning to Unsupervised Defect Classification in Semiconductor Manufacturing」「対照表現学習を活用した教師無し半導体欠陥分類」
2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021) Young researcher Award
2020 VLSI Test of Time Award
「A NAND Structured Cell with a New Programming Technology for Highly Reliable 5 V-only Flash EEPROM,」
2020 VLSI Test of Time Award
「A Quick Intelligent Program Architecture for 3 V-only NAND-EEPROMs,」
IEEE EDTM2021 Best Paper Award
「Cryogenic Operation of 3D Flash Memory for New Applications and Bit Cost Scaling with 6-Bit per Cell (HLC) and Beyond」
文部科学省 令和3年度文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(開発部門)
「高速かつ高効率な無線LAN技術の開発」 株式会社東芝と共同受賞
公益社団法人発明協会 令和2年度関東地方発明表彰 発明奨励賞
応用物理学会 第18回(2019年度)プラズマエレクトロニクス賞
公益社団法人応用物理学会 APEX/JJAP編集貢献賞
ソートベンチマーク委員会 ジュールソート部門ワールドレコード *1
ナノテスティングシンポジウム NANOTS2019 Best Interested Paper Award、若手奨励賞
AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019 Best Paper Award
「Robust Estimation of Mixed-Type Wafer Map Similarity Utilizing Non-negative Matrix Factorization」
A-SSCC Outstanding Contribution Award
応用物理学会 第13回(2019年度)応用物理学会フェロー表彰
応用物理学会 第17回(2018年度)プラズマエレクトロニクス賞
応用物理学会 第45回(2018年秋季)応用物理学会講演奨励賞
IEEE SSCS Japan Industry Contribution Award
JSPS プラズマ材料科学賞 第20回 技術部門賞
- …2019/11/27時点(1TBソート/89Kジュール)
DPS2018 西澤賞
応用物理学会 第12回(2018年度)応用物理学会フェロー表彰
cloudera 第6回 Data Impact Awardsビジネスインパクト部門Connect Products and Services
電子デバイス産業新聞 第24回半導体・オブ・ザ・イヤー2018 半導体デバイス部門 優秀賞
IWDTF Young Award
DPS2017 DPS Paper Award
ナノテスティングシンポジウム NANOTS2017 Best Interested Paper Award
大河内記念会 第63回(平成28年度)大河内記念賞
科学技術と経済の会(JATES) 第5回技術経営・イノベーション賞 経済産業大臣賞
A 6.4Gbps/pin NAND Flash Memory Multi-Chip Package Employing a Frequency Multiplying Bridge Chip for Scalable Performance and Capacity Storage Systems
発表者:S. Ikeda, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2023 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, A-SSCC 2023
Highly Scalable Metal Induced Lateral Crystallization (MILC) Techniques for Vertical Si Channel in Ultra-High (> 300 Layers) 3D Flash Memory
発表者:N. Ishihara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2023-June
A 1Tb 3b/Cell 3D-Flash Memory of more than 17Gb/mm2bit density with 3.2Gbps interface and 205MB/s program throughput
発表者:M. Sako, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2023-June
CMOS Directly Bonded to Array (CBA) Technology for Future 3D Flash Memory
発表者:M. Tagami
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM
Low Power and Thermal Throttling-less SSD with In-Package Boost Converter for 1000-WL Layer 3D Flash Memory
発表者:K. Hasegawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2023 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2023 - Proceedings
Phenomenological model for predicting C x H y F z+ ion etching yields of SiO2 and SiN x substrates
発表者:A. Kawamoto, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62(SI),SI1009
Comprehensive Analysis of Hole-Trapping in SiN Films with a Wide Range of Time Constants Based on Dynamic C-V
発表者:H. Seki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2023-March
Real-time Neuron Segmentation for Voltage Imaging
発表者:Y. Bando, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings - 2023 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2023, ,pp. 813-818
Novel Operation Scheme for Suppressing Disturb in HfO2-based FeFET Considering Charge- Trapping-Coupled Polarization Dynamics
発表者:T. Hamai, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2023-March
14nm High-Performance MTJ with Accelerated STT-Switching and High-Retention Doped Co-Pt Alloy Storage Layer for 1Znm MRAM
発表者:M. Nakayama, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM
RALLE: A Framework for Developing and Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models
発表者:Y. Hoshi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:EMNLP 2023 - 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the System Demonstrations, ,pp. 52-69
Joint BCH and XOR Decoding for Solid State Drives
発表者:N. Kifune, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E106.A(10),pp. 1322-1329
TCAD Modeling of Carbon Electrode for Highly Accurate Reset Current Prediction of Phase Change Memory Considering Both Thermal and Electronic Transport
発表者:T. Tsukagoshi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, SISPAD, ,pp. 325-328
High Performance 3D Flash Memory with 3.2Gbps Interface and 205MB/s Program Throughput based on CBA(CMOS Directly Bonded to Array) Technology
発表者:S. Kobayashi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM
Effect of Etching Gas on Adhesion between Mold Resin and Sputtered Stainless Steel Ground Films in Electromagnetic Shield Packages
発表者:S. Homma, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2023 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, ICEP 2023, ,pp. 113-114
Fabrication of Dual Damascene structure with Nanoimprint lithography and Dry-etching
発表者:N. Takeuchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12497,124970E
High-Endurance FeFET with Metal-Doped Interfacial Layer for Controlled Charge Trapping and Stabilized Polarization
発表者:K. Suzuki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM
7-Bit/2Cell (X3.5), 9-Bit/2Cell (X4.5) NAND Flash Memory: Half Bit technology
発表者:N. Shibata, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2023 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2023 - Proceedings
High-Endurance (>1011cycles) and Thermally-Stable Sub-100nm TiO2Channel FeFET for Low-Power Memory Centric 3D-LSI Applications
発表者:T. Shiokawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023
Technology-Dependent Modeling of MOSFET Parasitic Capacitances for Circuit Simulation
発表者:D. Navarro, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, 2023-March
Implementing and Evaluating E2LSH on Storage
発表者:Y. Nakanishi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Advances in Database Technology - EDBT, 26(2),pp. 437-449
Flash Memory and Its Manufacturing Technology for Sustainable World
発表者:K. Ishimaru, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 10,pp. 737-743
Real-Time and Atomic-Scale Observation of Local Solid-Phase Epitaxial Growth in Thin Silicon Film
発表者:M. Tezura, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, E-2-07L
Variability-Controlled HfZrO2 Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions for Reservoir Computing
発表者:K. Ota, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69(12),pp. 7089-7095
Analysis of formation mechanism of deposited film in a high-aspect-ratio hole during dry etching using fluorocarbon gas plasmas
発表者:N. Hiwasa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Applied Physics Express, 15(10),106002
Nanoscale observation of subgap excitations in β-Si3N4with a high refractive index using low-voltage monochromated STEM: A new approach to analyze the physical properties of defects in dielectric materials
発表者:T. Asano, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Applied Physics Express, 15(7),76501
Adhesion mechanism between mold resin and sputtered copper for electromagnetic wave shield packages
発表者:S. Homma, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Thin Solid Films, 750,139188
TCAD simulation for capture/emission of carriers by traps in SiN: Trap-Assisted tunneling model extended for capture of carriers injected via Fowler-Nordheim tunneling
発表者:M. Hogyoku, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61(SC),SC1087
A 25.6-Gb/s Interface Employing PAM-4-Based Four-Channel Multiplexing and Cascaded Clock and Data Recovery Circuits in Ring Topology for High-Bandwidth and Large-Capacity Storage Systems
発表者:T. Toi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 57(5),pp. 1517-1526
Revisiting a kNN-Based Image Classification System with High-Capacity Storage
発表者:K. Nakata, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13697 LNCS,pp. 457-474
A 56-Gb/s PAM4 Transceiver with False-Lock-Aware Locking Scheme for Mueller-Muller CDR
発表者:F. Tachibana, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:ESSCIRC 2022 - IEEE 48th European Solid State Circuits Conference, Proceedings, ,pp. 505-508
Mechanism of HfO2-FeFET Memory Operation Revealed by Quantitative Analysis of Spontaneous Polarization and Trap Charge
発表者:R. Ichihara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2022 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2022
Improvement of Line-to-line TDDB by Cu and Barrier-metal Recess Structure for high voltage circuit in 3D Flash Memory
発表者:M. Noda, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2022 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference, IITC 2022, ,pp. 45-47
Adhesion Mechanism between Mold Resin and Sputtered Stainless Steel Ground Films for Electromagnetic Wave Shield Packages
発表者:S. Homma, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Materials Transactions, 63(6),pp. 766-775
Optimal Cell Structure/Operation Design of 3D Semicircular Split-gate Cells for Ultra-high-density Flash Memory
発表者:T. Morooka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2022-June,pp. 308-309
Carrier profile mapping in a 3D Flash memory cell using scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy
発表者:J. Hirota, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2022, ,pp. 375-377
Toward 7 Bits per Cell: Synergistic Improvement of 3D Flash Memory by Combination of Single-crystal Channel and Cryogenic Operation
発表者:H. Tanaka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2022 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2022 - Proceedings
Advanced underlayer film to enhance the productivity of nanoimprint lithography
発表者:K. Okabe, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials and Metrology, 21(1),11006
Improvement of productivity by spin-coating and flash imprint lithography
発表者:T. Iwasaki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials and Metrology, 21(1),11008
Multi-field imprint technology: enabling the productivity enhancement of nano-imprint lithography
発表者:T. Nakasugi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials and Metrology, 21(1),11002
High thermal stability of doped oxide semiconductor for monolithic 3D integration
発表者:H. Kawai, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:MRS Bulletin, 46(11),pp. 1044-1052
Impact of Charge Trapping and Depolarization on Data Retention Using Simultaneous P-V and I-V in HfO-Based Ferroelectric FET
発表者:Y. Higashi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(9),9493749,pp. 4391-4396
Quality-Oriented Statistical Process Control Utilizing Bayesian Modeling
発表者:K. Date, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 34(3),9406895,pp. 307-311
Performance Evaluation of a Blockchain-based Content Distribution over Wireless Mesh Networks
発表者:Y. Ohba, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:7th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2021, ,pp. 258-263
Decision system for plural production lines layout by using ga
発表者:H. Yamamoto, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 8(1),pp. 33-36
Reactive ion etching process of SiO2 film using on-site synthesized C2F4 from CF4
発表者:D. Iino, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60(5),50904
Cyclic C4F8 and O2 plasma etching of TiO2 for high-aspect-ratio three-dimensional devices
発表者:T. Imamura, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60(3),35502
InDepth: Force-based Interaction with Objects beyond A Physical Barrier
発表者:T. Yoshida, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:TEI 2021 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 42
30.4 A 1Tb 3b/Cell 3D-Flash Memory in a 170+ Word-Line-Layer Technology
発表者:T. Higuchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 64,9366003,pp. 428-430
Foreword: Mechanistic understanding of cold atmospheric plasma applications
発表者:K. Kurihara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60(2),20401
Source/Drain Contact Engineering of InGaZnO Channel BEOL Transistor for Low Contact Resistance and Suppressing Channel Shortening Effect
発表者:Y. Sato, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:20th International Workshop on Junction Technology, IWJT 2021
Analysis and Optimization of Defect Generation Due to Mechanical Stress in High-Density SRAM
発表者:K. Ishimaru, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 9,pp. 1103-1109
Self-aligned double patterning process for sub-15nm nanoimprint template fabrication
発表者:Y. Kagawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11908,119080D
A 40 nm gate length surrounding gate vertical-channel fet using thermally stable in-al-zn-o channel for 3d cmos-lsi applications
発表者:Y. Sato, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium, 52(1),pp. 61-64
Adaptive quantization method for CNN with computational-complexity-aware regularization
発表者:K. Nakata, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2021-May,9401657
A 128Gb 1-bit/Cell 96-Word-Line-Layer 3D Flash Memory to Improve the Random Read Latency with tProg = 75 μs and tR = 4 μs
発表者:T. Kouchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 56(1),9234438,pp. 225-234
Accurate Picture of Cycling Degradation in HfO2-FeFET Based on Charge Trapping Dynamics Revealed by Fast Charge Centroid Analysis
発表者:R. Ichihara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2021-December, pp. 130-133
History and Evolution of NAND Flash Memory (Plenary)
発表者:Masaki Momodomi
雑誌名/学会名:2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021),
Hafnia-based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction for Emerging Applications (Invited)
発表者:S. Fujii, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021), B-5-01
Cryogenic Operation of 3-D Flash Memory for Storage Performance Improvement and Bit Cost Scaling
発表者:T. Sanuki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits, 7(2), pp. 159-167
Application of Contrastive Representation Learning to Unsupervised Defect Classification in Semiconductor Manufacturing
発表者:S. Mizukami, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2021, TDA-014
Distribution of trace impurities in microvolumes and analysis of concentration using laser sputtered neutral mass spectrometry
発表者:H. Akutsu, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 39(6),064002
A noise-canceling charge pump for area efficient PLL design
発表者:G. Urakawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E104.C(10), pp. 625-634
Quantization Strategy for Pareto-optimally Low-cost and Accurate CNN
発表者:K. Nakata, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems, AICAS 2021, 9458452
Advanced underlayer film to enhance the productivity of nanoimprint lithography
発表者:K.Okabe, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology 21(1), 011006
Current Status and Issues of In-memory Accelerators for Deep Neural Networks
発表者:J. Deguchi
雑誌名/学会名:2021 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT) (Invited)
Approaching DRAM performance by using microsecond-latency flash memory for small-sized random read accesses: a new access method and its graph applications
発表者:T. Suzuki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 14(8), pp. 1311 – 1324
Metal diffusion model in polymer matrices in vapor phase infiltration
発表者:N. Sasao, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60,SCCC04
Applications of AI Technologies in Flash Memory Business
発表者:R. Orihara
雑誌名/学会名:2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2021, 9421020
Cryogenic Operation of 3D Flash Memory for New Applications and Bit Cost Scaling with 6-Bit per Cell (HLC) and beyond
発表者:Y Aiba, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2021, 9421051
Challenges of Flash Memory for Next Decade (Invited)
発表者:K. Ishimaru
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2021-March,9405182
In-line schematic failure analysis technique by defect SEM images
発表者:J. Okude, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11611,116110M
Measurability analysis of the HAR structure in 3D memory by T-SAXS simulation
発表者:K. Sasaki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11611,116110U
Preventing method of volume expansion of polymer after metal infiltration
発表者:N. Sasao, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 11612,1161209
Multi-field imprint technology: Enabling the productivity enhancement of NIL
発表者:T. Nakasugi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11610,1161008
Quality-Oriented Statistical Process Control Utilizing Bayesian Modeling
発表者:K. Date, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Proceedings, 2020-December,9377496
HfO2-based FeFET and FTJ for ferroelectric-memory centric 3D LSI towards low-power and high-density storage and AI applications (Invited)
発表者:M. Saitoh, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2020-December,9372106, pp. 18.1.1-18.1.4
Design principle of channel material for oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor with high thermal stability and high on-current by fluorine doping
発表者:H. Kawai, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2020-December,9372121, pp. 22.2.1-22.2.4
Surrounding Gate Vertical-Channel FET with a Gate Length of 40 nm Using BEOL-Compatible High-Thermal-Tolerance In-Al-Zn Oxide Channel
発表者:H. Fujiwara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67(12),9199412, pp. 5329-5335
An Effective Learning Scheme for Weighted-BP with Parallel Permutation Decoding
発表者:R. Yoshizawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of 2020 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, ISITA 2020, 9366111, pp. 86-90
A Noise-Canceling Charge Pump for Area Efficient PLL Design
発表者:G. Urakawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, RFIT 2020, 9226191, pp. 31-33
4-port 10 MHz-67 GHz Broadband Measurement of FR-4 PCB Transmission Lines for 64-Gb/s PAM-4 Signaling
発表者:Y. Tsubouchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, RFIT 2020, 9226185, pp. 7-9
Empowering Next-Generation Applications through FLASH Innovation (Plenary)
発表者:S. J. Ohshima
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2020-June,9265031
Impact of Zr Concentration on Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown of HfZrO-based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction (FTJ) Memory
発表者:M. Yamaguchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2020), B-2-01
New Material Approach to Enhance Spontaneous Polarization in Ferroelectric HfO2
発表者:K. Takahash, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2020), B-2-03
Suppression of Channel Shortening and Reduction of S/D Parasitic Resistance in InGaZnO channel BEOL Transistor by Insertion of thermally stable InAlZnO Contact Layer
発表者:Y. Sato, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2020), J-6-02
Improved state stability of HfO2 ferroelectric tunnel junction by template-induced crystallization and remote scavenging for efficient in-memory reinforcement learning
発表者:S. Fujii, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2020-June,9265031
Re-examination of Vth Window and Reliability in HfO2 FeFET Based on the Direct Extraction of Spontaneous Polarization and Trap Charge during Memory Operation
発表者:R. Ichihara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2020-June,9265055
Surrounding Gate Vertical-Channel FET with Gate Length of 40 nm Using BEOL Compatible High-Thermal-Tolerance In-Al-Zn Oxide Channel
発表者:H. Fujiwara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2020-June,9265109
Combination of Transistors' compact model and Big Data for successful Smart Factory
発表者:S. Yoshitomi.
雑誌名/学会名:3rd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ISDCS 2020 – Proceedings, 9262981
Polymer Designs for Dense Metal Infiltration for Higher Dry-etch Resistance
発表者:N. Sasao, et. al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59(SI),SIIC02
Template development for sub15nm nanoimprint lithography
発表者:R. Seki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proc. SPIE. 11178, Photomask Japan 2019: XXVI Symposium on Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology; 111780S (2020)
A TCAD Study on Mechanism and Countermeasure for Program Characteristics Degradation of 3D Semicircular Charge Trap Flash Memory
発表者:N. Kariya, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD)
Weight compression MAC accelerator for effective inference of deep learning
発表者:A. Maki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E103C(10), pp. 514-523
Experimental Extraction of Impact of Depletion Capacitance on Low Frequency Noise in Sub-Micron nMOSFETs with Reverse Body Bias
発表者:C. Tanaka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33(2),9050647, pp. 146-149
Novel Statistical Modeling and Parameter Extraction Methodology of Cutoff Frequency for RF-MOSFETs
発表者:C. Tanaka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, 2020-May,9107914
Thyristor Operation for High Speed Read/Program Performance in 3D Flash Memory with Highly Stacked WL-Layers
発表者:H. Horii, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2020 – Proceedings, 9108147
Emerging Usage and Evaluation of Low Latency FLASH
発表者:T. Shiozawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2020 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2020 – Proceedings, 9108145
Breakdown Lifetime Analysis of HfO2-based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction (FTJ) Memory for In-Memory Reinforcement Learning
発表者:M. Yamaguchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2020-April, 9129314
Further Investigation on Mechanism of Trap Level Modulation in Silicon Nitride Films by Fluorine Incorporation
発表者:H. Seki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2020-April,9128224
Experimental Extraction of Impact of Depletion Capacitance on Low Frequency Noise in Sub-Micron nMOSFETs with Reverse Body Bias
発表者:C. Tanaka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33(2),9050647, pp. 146-149
Ab initio calculation of interlayer exchange coupling in Co-based synthetic antiferromagnet with alloy spacer
発表者:R. Takashima, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:AIP Advances, 10(1),015324
Process technologies leading a future of semiconductor memory (KIOKU) devices (Plenary)
発表者:K. Hashimoto
雑誌名/学会名:SPIE advanced lithography 2020, Technical Program pp.6-7, 11323-501
誌名/学会名:日本材料科学会会誌 材料の科学と工学, 56巻2号, pp.44-48
Formation of High Reliability Hydrogen-free MONOS Cells Using Deuterated Ammonia
発表者:M. Noguchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2019-December,8993586
Can in-memory/analog accelerators be a silver bullet for energy-efficient inference?
発表者:J. Deguchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2019-December,8993500
Future of Non-Volatile Memory -From Storage to Computing- (Plenary)
発表者:K. Ishimaru
雑誌名/学会名:Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2019-December,8993609
High-Efficient Adaptive Modulation for PWM-Based Multi-Level Perpendicular Magnetic Recording on Insufficient Resolution Channel
発表者:K. Harada
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55(11),8784414
Multi-Level Modulation for High-Speed Wireless and Wireline Transceivers
発表者:R. Fujimoto
雑誌名/学会名:2019 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, RFIT 2019 – Proceedings, 8929137
A perspective on NVRAM technology for future computing system
発表者:K. Hoya, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2019 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test, VLSI-DAT 2019, 8741675
Novel cleaning technology for nanoparticle removal
発表者:M. Tanabe, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11148,111480N
Capability of DUV inspection for the LWR improved EUV mask of sub-15 nm hp on wafer
発表者:M. Naka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11148,111480X
Low Operation Current Cell Technology for Terabit-Scale Memory Applications (Invited)
発表者:M. Saitoh, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium 2019 (NVMTS2019), pp.98-99
Current-Induced Domain Wall Motion in Pd-based Multilayered Structures with Different Ferromagnetic Layer Composition
発表者:M. Kado, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2019), HB-03
Robust Estimation of Mixed Type Wafer Map Similarity Utilizing Non negative Matrix
発表者:Y. Tanaka, et al
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019, TDA-022.
High Performance In-Zn-O FET with High On-current and Ultralow (<10-20 A/μm) Off-state Leakage Current for Si CMOS BEOL Application
発表者:N. Saito, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:AM-FPD 2019 - 26th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices: TFT Technologies and FPD Materials, Proceedings 8830602
Random Telegraph Noise after Hot Carrier Injection in Tri-gate Nanowire Transistor
発表者:K. Ota, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2019 Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2019, 8731025, pp. 169-171
Multi-criteria hotspot detection using pattern classification
発表者:K. Shiozawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10962,109620T
Lithography hotspot candidate detection using coherence map
発表者:T. Matsunawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10962,109620Q
Half-pitch 14nm direct patterning with nanoimprint lithography
発表者:T. Kono, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10958,109580H
Tungsten/In-Sn-O stacked source/drain electrode structure of In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistor for low-contact resistance and suppressing channel shortening effect
発表者:J. Kataoka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58(SB),SBBJ03
Post Training Weight Compression with Distribution-based Filter-wise Quantization Step
発表者:S. Sasaki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems, COOL CHIPS 2019 - Proceedings 8721356
Next Generation Memory System in Data-centric Computing
発表者:M. Takahashi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2019), H-5-01 (Invited)
ReRAM Opportunities for In-Memory Computing
発表者:K. Ota
雑誌名/学会名:2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2019), Short Course A-04
Advanced Plasma Etching for the State-of-the-Arts Memories
発表者:H. Hayashi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2019), Satellite Workshop SW-03
Device Challenges and Opportunities for ReRAM
発表者:K. Ota
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, IRPS 2019 - Tutorial
3D Flash Memory - Electrical and Physical Characterizations for Memory Cell Reliability -
発表者:Y. Mitani
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS 2019 - Tutorial
Experimental Extraction of Body Bias Dependence of Low Frequency Noise in sub-micron MOSFETs from Subthreshold to Moderate Inversion Regime
発表者:C. Tanaka, et. al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, 2019-March, 8730953, pp. 162-165
Ag Ionic Memory Cell Technology for Terabit-Scale High-Density Application
発表者:S. Fujii, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, Digest of Technical Papers, pp. TT189-TT190
Overview in Three-Dimensionally Arrayed Flash Memory Technology
発表者:R. Katsumata
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits, Short Course 1
A 12.8-Gb/s Daisy Chain-Based Downlink I/F Employing Spectrally Compressed Multi-Band Multiplexing for High-Bandwidth, Large-Capacity Storage Systems
発表者:Y. Tsubouchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 54(4),8613011, pp. 1086-1095
Live demonstration: FPGA-based CNN accelerator with filter-wise-optimized bit precision
発表者:K. Nakata, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2019-May, 8702208
Circuit-size reduction for parallel chien search using minimal polynomial degree reduction
発表者:N. Kokubun, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2019-May, 8702075
Grain-boundary-limited carrier mobility in polycrystalline silicon with negative temperature dependence: Modeling carrier conduction through grain-boundary traps based on trap-assisted tunneling
発表者:M. Hogyoku, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58(SB), SBBA01
Comprehensive study of variability in poly-Si channel nanowire transistor
発表者:K. Ota, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58(SB), SBBA06
Evaluation of electron traps in SiNx by discharge current transient spectroscopy: Verification of validity by comparing with conventional DLTS
発表者:H. Seki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58(SB), SBBK02
High mobility (>30 ㎠ V-1 s-1) and low source/drain parasitic resistance In-Zn-O BEOL transistor with ultralow <10-20 A μm-1 off-state leakage current
発表者:N. Saito, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58(SB), SBBJ07
Investigation of Switching-Induced Local Defects in Oxide-Based CBRAM Using Expanded Analytical Model of TDDB
発表者:R. Ichihara, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(5), 8676360, pp. 2165-2171
A 25.6Gb/s Uplink-Downlink Interface Employing PAM-4-Based 4-Channel Multiplexing and Cascaded CDR Circuits in Ring Topology for High-Bandwidth and Large-Capacity Storage Systems
発表者:T. Toi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, pp. 478 - 480
Device Challenges and Opportunities for ReRAM
発表者:K. Ota
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, IRPS 2019 - Tutorial
3D Flash Memory - Electrical and Physical Characterizations for Memory Cell Reliability -
発表者:Y. Mitani
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, ICMTS 2019 – Tutorial
Improving thickness uniformity of sputter-deposited films by using magnet rotation speed control technique
発表者:T. Miura, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Proceedings, 2018-December, 8651152
Fixed charge control of silylated surface for stiction-free drying with surface energy reduction process
発表者:T. Koide, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Solid State Phenomena, 282 SSP, pp. 168-174
Deep Learning in DFM Applications
発表者:T. Matsunawa, et. al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings Volume 10810, Photomask Technology 2018; 1081006
プラズマが拓く半導体プロセスの未来 (依頼講演)
雑誌名/学会名:プラズマ・核融合学会 九州・沖縄・山口支部 第22回支部大会 研究発表 論文集、p.13
FPGA-Based CNN Processor with Filter-Wise-Optimized Bit Precision
発表者:A. Maki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC2018) pp.47-50
Non-Volatile Memory for Data Age (Invited)
発表者:K. Ishimaru
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Technology 2018 (ICSICT-2018) pp. 1215-1218
Formation Mechanism of Sidewall Striation in High-Aspect-Ratio Hole Etching
発表者:M. Omura, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:40th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2018), H-2, pp. 293-294
Footprints of RF CMOS Compact Modeling Technology from Wireless Communication to IoT Applications
発表者:S. Yoshitomi
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of 25th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES 2018, 8436911, pp. 22-28
Evaluation of Electron Traps in SiN by Discharging Current Transient Spectroscopy: Verification of Validity by Comparing with Conventional DLTS
発表者:H. Seki, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp.325-326
High mobility (>30 ㎠/Vs) and Low S/D Parasitic Resistance In-Zn-O BEOL Transistor with Ultralow (<10-20 A/μm) Off Leakage Current
発表者:N. Saito, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp.573-574
Performance improvement by template-induced crystallization in ferroelectric HfO2 tunnel junction memory for cross-point high-density application
発表者:S. Kabuyanagi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp.205-206
Effect of Tin and Gallium Composition on the Instability of Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Tin-Oxide (IGZTO) Thin-Film Transistors under Positive Gate Bias
発表者:D. Zhao, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp.805-806 (Late News)
Grain-Boundary-Limited Polycrystalline-Silicon Mobility with Negative Temperature Dependence ~ Modeling of Carrier Conduction through Grain-Boundary Traps Based on Trap-Assisted Tunneling ~
発表者:M. Hogyoku, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp. 825-826
Stacked Source/Drain Electrode Structure of InGaZnO Thin-Film-Transistor for Low Contact Resistance and Suppressing Channel Shortening Effect
発表者:J. Kataoka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp.1269-1270 (Late News)
Comprehensive Study of Variability in Poly-Si Channel Nanowire Transistor ~ Grain Boundary effect in Variability ~
発表者:K. Ota, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018) pp.235-236 (Late News)
Emerging Non-Volatile Memory and Thin-Film Transistor Technologies for Future 3D-LSI (Invited)
発表者:M. Saitoh, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:48th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) 2018, pp.138-141
Performance and Reliability of Ferroelectric HfO2 Tunnel Junction Memory (Invited)
発表者:S. Fujii, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 ISAF-FMA-AMF-AMEC-PFM Joint Conference (IFAAP2018)
Reliability of HfO2-based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memory (Invited)
発表者:M. Yamaguchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium 2018 (NVMTS2018)
A 12.8 Gb/s Daisy Chain-Based Downlink I/F Employing Spectrally Compressed Multi-Band Multiplexing for High-Bandwidth and Large-Capacity Storage Systems
発表者:Y. Tsubouchi, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Digest of Technical Papers, pp. 149-150
Suppression of channel shortening effect for InGaZnO Thin-Film-Transistor by In-Sn-O source/drain electrodes
発表者:J. Kataoka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2018 - Proceedings 8421427, pp. 175-177
Origin of High Mobility in InSnZnO MOSFETs
発表者:N. Saito, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:2018 IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2018 -Proceedings 8421530, pp. 172-174
3D Flash Memory for Data-Intensive Applications (Keynote)
発表者:S. Inaba
雑誌名/学会名:2018 IEEE 10th International Memory Workshop, IMW 2018 pp. 1-4
Comprehensive investigation on parameter extraction methodology for short channel amorphous-InGaZnO thin-film transistor
発表者:C. Tanaka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures 2018-March, pp. 23-26
Cooperative simulation of lithography and topography for three-dimensional high-aspect-ratio etching
発表者:T. Ichikawa, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57(6), 06JC01
Multiscale modeling for SiO2 atomic layer deposition for high-aspect-ratio hole patterns
発表者:Y. Miyano, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57(6), 06JB03
Hot carrier degradation, TDDB, and 1/f noise in Poly-Si Tri-gate nanowire transistor
発表者:Y. Yoshimura, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings 2018-March, pp. 5A.61-5A.66
Density-functional study on the dopant-segregation mechanism: Chemical potential dependence of dopant-defect complex at Si/SiO2 interface
発表者:H. Kawai, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Applied Physics 123(16), 161425
Charge-based Neuromorphic Cell by InGaZnO Transistor and Implementation of Simple Scheme Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity
発表者:C. Tanaka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2018-May, 8350932
Hotspot detection based on surrounding optical feature
発表者:Y. Abe, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10588, 105880I
Updates of nanoimprint lithography for production and applications for next generation memory devices
発表者:T. Higashiki
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10584, 105840T
Origin of high mobility in InSnZnO MOSFETs
発表者:N. Saito, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 6,8546783, pp. 1258-1262
3D Flash MemoryにおけるALD技術の応用
発表者:相宗 史記
雑誌名/学会名:化学工学会 CVD反応分科会主催第28回シンポジウム 「アトミックレイヤープロセッシングの基礎と最新技術動向」, 2018年6月4日
Study of CO2 ashing for porous SiOCH film using 100 MHz/13.56 MHz dual frequency superimposed capacitive coupled plasma
発表者:T. Imamura, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics 35(6), 062201
Development of an Energy-Saving Controller for Sub Apparatus
発表者:T. Ozaki
雑誌名/学会名:IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 30(4), 8057857, pp. 367-370
機械学習で切り開く新しいリソグラフイ・DFM 技術(招待講演)
発表者:松縄 哲明
雑誌名/学会名:信学技報, vol. 117, no. 273, VLD2017-50, pp. 131-131, 2017年11月
Metrology and inspection required for next generation lithography
発表者:M. Asano, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56(6), 06GA01
Application of EB repair for nanoimprint lithography template
発表者:A, Kumada, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10454, 104540Q
Accurate lithography simulation model based on convolutional neural networks
発表者:Y. Watanabe, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10454, 104540I
DUV inspection beyond optical resolution limit for EUV mask of hp 1X nm
発表者:M. Naka, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10451, 104510K
Multi-scale modeling for SiO2 plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition at high-aspect-ratio hole patterns
発表者:Y. Miyano, et al.
雑誌名/学会名:39th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2017), B-3, pp. 19-20
