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CSR and Cooperation with the Local Community
KIOXIA’s Yokkaichi Plant conducts various social contribution activities. To contribute to local development and meet the expectations of local communities, we aim to make the Yokkaichi Plant a factory loved and trusted by everyone as a member of society.

Health Promotion Activities
Certified as a Hall of Fame Company of Mie Tokowaka Health Management
In August 2024, the Yokkaichi Plant was certified as a business site that actively promotes employee health management with the aim of realizing "Tokowaka Mie," Mie Prefecture's vision of a community where everyone lives a healthy life. We will continue to promote healthy activities that all employees can continually enjoy so that they can work vigorously, both physically and mentally.
- July 2020: Certified as a company of “Mie Tokowaka Health Management Company 2020”
- September 2020: Awarded the Excellence Award of Mie Tokowaka Health Management Award 2020
- September 2023: Awarded the Grand Prize of Mie Tokowaka Health Management Award 2023

Recognized Activities
Yokkaichi Plant was recognized for its proactive activities.
- Continuous efforts to hold site-wide events (e.g., walk events and healthy eating events)
- Activities based on specific needs (e.g., female wellness education and classes for metabolic syndrome improvement)
- Activities for advancement in the workplace and job retention (e.g., holding round table discussion for new employees and announce tips for workplace improvement)

Communication with Local Communities
Yokkaichi Plant Summer Festival
The Yokkaichi Plant organizes a summer festival to provide an opportunity for personal exchanges among its employees, their families, and local people. Offering fun for local people, the festival features snack stands set up by our employees, shishimai (Japanese lion dance) presented by Yamanoisshiki-cho’s residents' association, live music featuring professional entertainers, a lottery, etc.
The summer festival was held at the Yamanoisshiki-cho Sports Park on August 31, 2018. The festival was very lively with 11,000 visitors, including local residents, our employees, and their families.

Participation in the Yokkaichi Science Seminar for Children
In August 2021, the Yokkaichi Plant participated in the Yokkaichi Science Seminar for Children held at the Yokkaichi City Cultural Center.
In the seminar entitled "First-Hand Science—Yokkaichi, a City of Monozukuri (the art, science and craft of making things)," we offered a presentation called "What is memory?" for roughly 60 visitors. As well as introducing the Yokkaichi Plant and semiconductor memories, we held a quiz about human memory. The excitement mounted as children enthusiastically answered the quiz questions. Among the attractions, the simulation of the inside of a clean room using virtual reality (VR) headsets were particularly popular. Children were turning their headsets this way and that, their eyes sparkling with interest.

Activities for Local Environment
Cleanup of the Neighborhood of the Plant
As a token of our appreciation and contribution to the local community, we clean up the neighborhood of the Yokkaichi Plant twice a year.
In October 2019, roughly 200 employees participated in the cleanup activity and collected 14 kg of litter.

Environment Liaison Meetings with Local People
As part of our efforts to protect the local environment, we meet the members of the local residents’ association periodically to report the results of water quality, atmospheric, and other environmental measurement, invite them to our environmental facilities, and give an account of our preparations for a possible Tokai earthquake as well as our environmental protection initiatives for the safety and security of the locality.
We will continue to facilitate community engagement so as to promote corporate activities while being closely connected to the local community.

We have implemented various environmental measures, such as mitigating the environmental burden of our semiconductor manufacturing facilities, which are among the world’s largest, and driving awareness of the need for environmental protection.
Social Welfare Activities
Contribution to Blood Donation Activities
Since 1997, the Yokkaichi Plant has been conducting blood donation campaigns in cooperation with the Red Cross Mie Blood Center. To date, more than 11,000 people have donated blood*. The Yokkaichi Plant received certificates of gratitude from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Governor of Mie Prefecture, and in August 2020, a Gold Merit Award from the Japanese Red Cross Society in recognition of its long-standing activities.
We will continue the blood donation activities and increase the number of blood donation sites in the Yokkaichi Plant according to the number of donors so as to help people in need of blood transfusions.
- As of March 2025

Contributing to Society by Means of Resource Collection
At KIOXIA's Yokkaichi Plant, all employees, including resident suppliers, actively participate in various initiatives to contribute to society by improving the environment. We will continue to promote environmental activities that contribute to society, and encourage a sense of belonging among employees, as well as strive to further improve their environmental awareness.

A description of KIOXIA Group initiatives aimed at contributing to the development of a sustainable society through our business activities.